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All About GSS

My name is Gleidson and I have been working with wood for over 25 years. Since I started working with this material, I was amazed with the possibilities and projects I could create. For me, it is a great pleasure and love to work with wood.

What I do is with great care and dedication. Sometimes, I am impressed with what I am capable of creating. Wood is in my heart, and therefore, each project I do is unique and special.

I learned everything I know from my father, who was also a carpenter. He taught me not only the techniques, but also to love and respect wood as a noble material.

Today, I talk to my clients with skill and listen carefully to what they want. I understand that each one is unique and has their own needs and desires, and so I can put the client’s personality into the projects I create.

For me, wood is much more than a material. It is my life and passion, and I am grateful for the opportunity to create incredible projects every day.

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